Welcome to the FAQs page, where questions get answered, and curiosity leads to clarity! We understand navigating the world of chiropractic care can sometimes feel like a puzzle. That's why we've gathered the most commonly asked questions and answers here.
Our FAQs page is the perfect place to find the insights you need. So, let's dive in and uncover the knowledge that will set you on the path to a healthier, more balanced life!
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We start each patient out by scheduling an initial consultation to discuss their symptoms. We like having this discussion to identify what specific testing we need in order to get the best results.
Cost really depends on what type of testing is necessary, which can vary from patient to patient. We don't upcharge on any testing.
Our goal is to use supplements and herbs to improve the body's ability to function on its own. We use retests to determine when we can start decreasing supplement doses, until the body eventually takes over its function again.
It can vary for each patient. Some have noticed results in two days, while others it takes two months. A phrase we use in our clinic is "we work on crockpot time, not microwave time."
The body needs time to heal to begin functioning properly again. Another popular phrase we use is "function improves before feeling." Results are usually seen in the tests before the patient notices a change in their symptoms, which is why we retest often.
There are a few instances where the type of supplement recommended is determined by current medications, which is why we need to know all medications before you start on any supplements.
Liquid supplements, otherwise known as tinctures, are much more efficient for our body to absorb and use. Our body can only absorb 35-40% of supplements in capsule form, compared to 85-90% absorption of tinctures. In addition to being easier to absorb, the doses have much more active ingredients in the tinctures compared to capsules. Most capsules only have 500-1000 mg of active ingredient, compared to 2500-2800 mg in tinctures.
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